

Spent half an hour sketching up Cognos process architecture — what goes where and when. Will refer to this drawing in my future hardware planning assigments ;)



  1. You can separate all components (Gateway, Application Server, Content Manager) into separate machines
  2. There can be only one Content Manager service active in cluster at a time
  3. There may be multiple gateway servers, as I was corrected. What I originally meant was close to something like ‘if you give user a cognos url, that url points to one specific gateway server’, so you have to do clustered web-server and application server installation for gateway fault-tolerance.
  4. There may be multiple active dispatchers in cluster
  5. Each dispatcher consists of multiple services, that may be turned off or on for a specific server in cluster.
  6. Most dispatcher services are processed in application server (Tomcat by default and almost any other of your choice), which can use either 32 or 64 bit java machine
  7. Reports (interactive and batch) are processed by a special process ‘BIBus’, which is a C++ 32 bit application (hence the 2Gb cap for each process and CCLOutOfMemory errors). Number of such processes depends on Dispatcher service settings, load on each process depends on affinity connection settings.
  8. BIBus processes generate temporary files if they require significant amount of local processing (hence UDA files problems)
  9. Each BIBus process can occupy up to 2Gb RAM and 1 CPU Core

Basic rules for capacity planning I use (your mileage may vary greatly, it depends on reports design, size and calculation complexity in first hand):

  1. Estimate number of concurrent users
  2. There should be a BIBus process for each couple concurrent users
  3. There should be at least 1 or 2 cores for all other dispatcher services
  4. There should be at least 1-2 Gb of RAM for Application Server
  5. There should be at least 2-3 Gb for Operation System (it depends on operation system greatly)
  6. There should be a separate database instance for Content Store and Audit database

For example, if we’re talking about 20 concurrent users (mind that it’s 2000 named users by basic IBM metrics), we’ll need:

  • 10 BIBus processes, each will take 1 Core and 2 GB Ram
  • 2 cores and 2 Gb ram for dispatcher and application server (for each dispatcher server, if there going to be a cluster environment)
  • 3 Gb for operating system (for each dispatcher server, if there going to be a cluster environment)

And it gives us 16 cores, 32 Gb RAM for a single server.

Suggested reading:

– Architecture and Deployment Guide )

– these threads on DeveloperWorks, where Phil W. describes all this way better than I’ll ever do:


Update: That’s why I like the web — I was corrected by Dave even in the middle of weekend  ) Thanks again, Dave.


SQL*Plus에서 & 변수 사용시 set escape 활용

가끔 특정 단어 중간에 &변수를 받고 싶을때가 있다.

그럴 땐 아래와 같이 해보자.
SQL> create table tab_ampersand_test
  2  as
  3  select 'OK' as name
  4    from dual
  5  ;

Table created.

SQL> select name
  2    from tab_ampersand_test
  3  ;


1 row selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> set escape |
SQL> select name
  2    from tab_&__tab|_test
  3  ;
Enter value for __tab: ampersand


1 row selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
물론 &__tab|test 형태로도 사용가능하다. 

[ORACLE] ORA-01555 Snapshot too old 에 대한 정보 - 욱짜님 글 링크


[VW GOLF] 내 차 생일~ 2011.06.21.



[링크] 유튜브 패치 2.1


[펌] 윈도우즈 XP 종료 빠르게 하기

윈도우즈 XP 종료 빠르게 하는 레지스트리 수정입니다.

regedit 에서 수정

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > Desktop

HungApp Timeout 
WaitToKillApp Timeout

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control

 WaitToKillService Timeout

[링크] 전국 실시간 방사능 수치

안드로이드용 전국 실시간 방사능 수치 앱입니다.

PC용은 아래 주소를 보시면 됩니다. 

출처 : applclub

[펌] 갤럭시S GPS 설정 - applclub

1. GPS는 켜시구, 무선 네트워크 사용은 끄세요, 
(환경설정-장소및보안-무선네트워크사용 체크해제) 
(간혹 GPS 키라면서 turn on 뭐시기 뜨시는 분들은 그냥 키고하셔도 무방합니다) 

2. 다이얼화면에서 *#33328584634*#입력하신후에 *#1472365# 입력하세요 
(혹시 이클레어 사용자분들은 *#*#1472365#*#* 입력하시면됩니다.) 

3. 메뉴 경로 : setting -> fix request settings -> sessoin operation 
    Operation Mode” 를 MS Based 로 바꾸시고 (원래값 :  Stadalone)

4. 메뉴 경로 : setting -> parameter setting -> address 
    주소를 supl.google.com:7276 로 바꾸시고 
    ( 원래값 :  wpde.nate.com:7275 ) 

5. 메뉴 경로 : setting -> gpsOne Xtra 
  – gpsOne XTRA -> Xtra Enable -> Enable 선택 (원래값 :  Disable)

6. 리부팅 

7. 다시 무선네트워크를 사용 하시고요 

[스크랩] 임신하면 40만원 진료비 혜택 받는 '고운맘 카드' 기억하세요 - wikitree


[강좌/팁] 갤럭시S 속도향상 방법 - 어플클럽펌


먼저 다이얼 화면을 엽니다. 다이얼 화면을 연후 319 712 358 입력합니다. 

비밀번호 774 632 입력해줌니다 

입력하셨다면 곧바로 이렇게 화면이 바뀌 실텐데요, 이 화면에서 
Network setting 선택 


곧바로 밑에 메뉴중 5번 HSPA setting 선택! 

이제 마지막입니다. 
창이 바뀌시면 밑에 화면처럼 HSUPA로 선택이 되어있는데 이것을 
HSDPA로 바꾸워줌니다. 


이렇게 망 변경을 다 하셨다면 
뒤로뒤로뒤로가기 클릭하셔서 바탕화면으로 다시 빠져 나오시면 됨니다. 
그리고 재부팅해주시면 

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